Summer Bible Reading Challenge!

Summer Bible Reading Challenge!

Dear Parents,

It is a wonderful thing to spend time reading the Bible to your children. They learn the Bible stories (you do, too!) and they grow in their knowledge of God. It can also be a great time for you to check in on their day and to find out how they are emotionally. So, I would like to challenge you to help your child complete the Summer Bible Challenge. –How?

I would choose bedtime as the optimum time to do this.
• Start by reading them the Bible story.
• Then pray with them. Both of you can say a prayer. You could do it like this:
Dear God, this is (name). I thank you for (whatever it is) and I ask you to help with (whatever it is). I love you Jesus. Amen
• End by blessing your child. Either touch their head or draw a cross on their forehead and say, (their name) “The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you, the Lord look upon you with favor and + give you peace.”

Where to buy the Bibles:
Preschool to Grade Two: The Jesus Storybook Bible
Grade three to six: The Story Bible, over 130 stories

Do this all summer. In September let me know if they completed the challenge so they can have a prize. God is going to bless you and your children as you seek to raise them in the knowledge and love of the Lord.

Carol Mittelstaedt
Director of Young Family Ministry