St. James Lutheran Church

I’m New! What should I expect?

New to St. James Lutheran Church?

First, welcome! And thanks for visiting our web site. It can be a daunting task to find a new church, especially if you’re new to the area. Hopefully you’ll be able to get to know us through this web site and, of course, in person when you come to visit. We want you to have what you need in order to decide whether or not St. James Lutheran is for you.

If it’s been a long time since you’ve been to church, St. James has you in mind! There’s already enough you have to think about when you’re visiting for the first time. We hope that getting some of this “stuff” out of the way not only encourages you to join us, but also helps you to connect with the hope and encouragement that God has for you.

General Atmosphere

Our worship services are generally upbeat, come-as-you-are events. Most people dress nice but casually. Our desire is that you will feel comfortable and welcomed in every way. Prayers and readings and songs are written out–participate in as much or as little as you feel ready for. After the service, as long as you’re comfortable with this, we invite you to meet the pastor and introduce yourself. He’ll be standing at the back, shaking hands when everyone is leaving.

Three Weekend Worship Services

We offer two worship services on Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. and 10:00, and one on Saturday evening at 5:30 p.m. Expect worship to last about 70 minutes. The Bible is always taught and applied to our lives, and Holy Communion is celebrated traditionally according to the ancient forms of the Christian Church.

What about after church?

Come downstairs to the Parish Hall and join us for coffee, goodies, and fellowship in the SJ Cafe. This happens every week after the 10:00am service (and sometimes after the 8:30 too)!


Kids are welcome in all our worship services. They can participate like the adults, or they can do coloring in their seat (materials are provided on the way in –just ask.)

Sunday School for Kids

We’ve got a big Sunday School which starts in the church Sundays at 10:00am. Everyone meets together (parents, too) for singing and a children’s message, and then the kids go off to their groups with their teachers for Bible stories and crafts while their parents continue to worship.  Kids love it! Expect it to last about 60 minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I expected to participate in the offering and Communion?

The offering is for those who are part of the St. James family. Instead of wanting you to give something, we want you to get something from your time at worship. And that is a feeling of acceptance at our church and a closer glimpse of God.

Holy Communion is for baptized believers, and specifically for those who have been taught and believe as we do that the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion) is the true body and blood of Jesus Christ in and under the bread and the wine, given by God for the forgiveness of our sins. We regularly run classes for those who need to learn more and want to receive the Lord’s Supper (click here for more information). If you’re not ready to come to Communion, you are welcome to come up for a blessing (please cross your arms in front of you), or just remain in your seat and enjoy the music, etc. at that point in the worship service.

Anything else I need to know?

The restrooms are in the sub-story (basement) where kids’ Sunday School is held. There is also a new restroom located in the Narthex (Church Lobby).

There is an elevator for Wheelchair Accessibility to the right of the Church door.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, whether it’s about faith, Lutheranism or just about where to find the best nearby restaurant.  Again, we want you to feel welcome!

Worship Schedule (one more time in one convenient place):

Saturdays at 5:30 pm
Sundays at 8:30 am and 10:00 am
Sunday School at 10:00am (Starts in Church)

SJ Cafe (in Parish Hall): after 10:00am Sunday Service. Join us for coffee, goodies and fellowship

All services will celebrate Holy Communion.