Good Afternoon Everyone,
Deacon Jim Lundgren and his wife, Margie, will be moving this summer to CO. Church Council invites you to join us in celebrating their newest journey on Sunday, July 10, after the 10AM service. (Deacon Jim will be preaching at this service) The Mittelstaedts will be hosting a BBQ in their back yard. If you would like to join us in presenting them with a gift, please see Rosemarie Sandhop and give her cash or a check made out to St. James Lutheran Church, putting it in a sealed envelope labeled Jim Lundgren c/o Rosemarie Sandhop, or place it in the collection plate in the narthex. Our cut-off date will be July 3.If you can attend please sign up to bring either a salad or dessert. You may sign up in the Narthex or by emailing Pam at office@stjlc.com. Thank You!
We look forward to wishing them God’s richest blessings.