Buy A Bible For A Preschooler

Buy A Bible For A Preschooler

Dear Friends of St. James Lutheran Church and Preschool,

We are looking to present 60 Bibles to our incoming Preschoolers!  $10 buys a Children’s Bible!

Would you like to help us fund this amazing project to kick start a young one’s spiritual journey? And how awesome for you to encourage our incoming parents to read the Bible to their children. You can buy 1, 2 or 10! It’s up to you how many you want to bless!

To give, just pay online at

Memo: Preschool Bible.


You can place the form and cash/check directly in the offering plate in the narthex

or send a check in an envelope and mail a check to us at:

St. James Lutheran Church, 230 Second Ave., St. James, NY 11780.

Thank you for blessing God’s Littlest Children! 

                                                      ~ STJLC Young Family Ministry