A Message From Pastor Conner About This Weekend’s Services

A Message From Pastor Conner About This Weekend’s Services

Greetings St. James Lutheran Church! 

I pray this finds you well! I wanted to reach out and invite you to our worship services this weekend. These services will be healing services, similar to what we did a few months ago. In service you will have an opportunity, after communion, to kneel and leaders of the church will pray over you and speak Jesus’ healing into your life’s situation. Come experience the incredible healing power of Jesus!

With this in mind, some of you may be aware of the gnarly winter weather we are expected to get late Saturday night into Sunday morning. While no official call has been on Sunday worship yet, we want to invite you to come experience worship on Saturday night! If you are worried, even slightly, about the snow on Sunday, I encourage you to be proactive and join us Saturday instead. We have worship Saturday at 5:30pm and it will be, Lord willing, snow free! So come and join us Saturday! 

Blessings to you all, and I hope to see you this weekend!